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Map: DM6
mushi 12 - 19 Bulat

comment by mushi
I had some luck, not enough to win
Map: DM6
mushi 14 - 17 Bulat

comment by mushi
In both maps with 3 minutes to go i was winning but bulat seems to have nerves of steel and hunted me. His shaft is quite annoying.

He's no dm6 master, he may get pass the next round but no more. Not with that ping.

It was even games, good ones. respect * GL mate (not that he understands a single word of english :) he has ppl that do that for him - again, respect :)

[lb - Round 6 - Match 1]
submitted: 2008-08-19 15:17:45 by Bulat
confirmed: 2008-08-19 17:46:31 by VVD
#1 mushi 2008-08-20 08:01:30
oh i see he outaimed fog in round 7.
apparently he has nicer ping on fi/se, lets see how he will behave vs the top 5. Watchout for him I tell you :)
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