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Thunderdome Season 12 ''Dozen'': let the fight begin!
[fourier - 2019-10-06 16:07:07]
We are pleased to announce the Thunderdome 12 "Dozen" Duel tournament is stared now!

52 players registered, 47 in EU and 5 in NA: 6 divisions in EU and 1 in NA, Double Elimination no more than 8 players each.
Brackets are here:The games starts from today, first deadline is 13th of October. This season is not supposed to be long and planned to finish by the 1st of December.

Find your opponents on Discord and on servers (here and here), don't forget to report your epic games and inform admins so we can have a chance (whenever is possible) to spectate and possibly stream the games.

Let the fight begin!
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